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Can Dogs Eat Bagels?

Bagels are not suitable for dogs. Though plain bagels are safe for your dog to eat in moderation, feeding bagels to your dog is not a good idea. They are nutritionally deficient, and many bagel ingredients are toxic to dogs. Due to the risk of heart problems and other health issues, pet owners should not feed bagels to their dogs.

Bagels are not suitable for dogs due to potentially toxic ingredients and toppings. Common bagel seasonings and ingredients that are harmful to dogs include poppy seeds, onions, raisins, blueberries, sesame seeds, and garlic powder. Everything bagels are especially dangerous because they contain a high concentration of toxic ingredients. Bagel spreads and toppings, such as smoked salmon, cream cheese, or peanut butter containing the artificial sweetener xylitol, can also be harmful to your pets.

If your dog eats a small piece of bagel by accident, it is unlikely to cause major health problems; however, do not include this high-calorie snack in your dog's diet; instead, stick to healthy store-bought or homemade dog food. If your dog consumes an entire bag of everything, including garlic, onion, raisin, or poppy seed bagels, consult your veterinarian.


5 Health Risks of Bagels for Dogs

Feeding bagels to your dog can lead to a number of health issues. Bagels should not be given to dogs as a treat because they can cause:

1. Allergic reactions: Bagels, as a highly processed food, contain a long list of added ingredients that can be harmful to your dog. If your dog's system is unable to handle the filler ingredients, giving him a bagel for the first time may result in an allergic reaction. Instead, feed your dog nutritious foods and treats like green beans or apple slices.

2. Anemia: Garlic and onion bagels are extremely toxic to dogs. Onions and garlic are members of the Allium family, and they contain N-propyl disulfide, which damages your dog's red blood cells and causes anemia. Grapes cause kidney failure in dogs, so raisin bagels are also hazardous to their health.

3. Digestive issues: White flour is one of the primary ingredients in bagels. Your dog's digestive system has difficulty breaking down starches, gluten, and carbohydrates. Because dogs do not produce high concentrations of the digestive enzyme amylase, consuming too many bread products causes gastrointestinal problems. Bagels can cause bloating, vomiting, constipation, and diarrhea in your dog.

4. Excessive fatigue: Bagels can also increase your dog's feelings of tiredness and sluggishness. Bagels, as a bread product, are high in carbohydrates, which disrupt blood sugar levels and reduce your dog's energy levels.

5. Weight gain: Because bagels are high in carbs, they are not a healthy treat for your pet. Overfeeding your dog can cause them to gain a lot of weight in a short period of time, putting stress on their body and immune system. Obesity can lead to additional health issues for your dog, such as heart disease and diabetes.

Author: reverbtime-magazine